الصحافة المغربية وحرية التعبير..و..المثل المغربي الشائع: الفقيه اللي كنتسناو بركتو دخل للجامع ببلغتو !!??

Some of the “faces” of the Moroccan press, instead of focusing on improving the conditions of our press and its means and the conditions of its workers, took the opportunity of the International Press Day, to join the Algerian media campaign against Moroccan Facebooks and YouTubers. And that through a Moroccan channel in the north. As they are pushing for states to intervene in the communication platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube….) to reconsider their terms of use in a way that leads to stifling their users and impeding freedom of expression. By God, you are joking… If elements of a press syndicate turn into a trumpet to attack freedom of expression like the ruling gang in Algeria and like some of the corrupt and public money looters who seek to silence voices and muzzle mouths, this is actually not only amazing, but shameful and humiliating. Casablanca on 10/5/2022 President of the Association:

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