
قراءة في الوثيقة السياسسية لجماعة العدل والاحسان .. الملاحظة الثالثة

الوثيقة السياسية لجماعة العدل والإحسان تعتبر تعبيدا لمرحلة جديدة في مسار الجماعة بين مرحلة المرشد المرحوم عبد السلام ياسين ومجموعة الدعويين وأصحاب الأمر والنهي وأهل الحل والعقد في جماعة العدل والإحسان مثل الامين العام عبادي والشيباني والركراكي وبارشي وغيرهم من دعاة الجماعة وجناحها المتشدد الذين لم بحضروا لندوة تقديم الوثيقة السياسية بالرباط بتاريخ 6فبراير2024 وبين الدائرة السياسية التي ارتأت العبور ...

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الكراغلة اشباه اسرائيل

بعض من التشابه الكثير بين حكام اسرائيل وحكام الجزائر : عندما تشتد ضغوط المعارضة على حكام اسرائيل وفسادهم . فإنهم يستعملون فزاعة “الارهاب” الارهاب الفلسطيني و يطلقون العنان لعدوان الجيش ليشن حملات مداهمات واغتيالات، و استفزاز غزة حتى ترشقهم بقذائف يتخذون منها شماعة ليطلقوا عمليات تدمير عسكرية على قطاع غزة وما يصاحبها من صفارات الإنذار وفتح الملاجىء تحت أرضية…… اما ...

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جرائم دولة فرنسا في مجال حقوق الإنسان

نحتج ونستنكر بقوة جريمة الدولة الفرنسية في حق ا لقاصر الجزائري الذي اعدم بالرصاص الحي من اجل مخالفة سير.. .اننا كجمعية مستقلة للمواطنة والحقوق، متشبثة بنبل مباديء حقوق الانسان ومناهضة التطرف لا يمكننا الا ان نطالب الجسم الحقوقي المغربي والمغاربي والدولي الانخراط في مواجهة جرائم الدولة الفرنسية بالفضح والاستنكار ودراسة المواجهة القضائية … تلك جرائم فرنسا ضد الإنسانية التي لم ...

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Tips on how to Compose a Job Posting

Writing organization posting is definitely an essential part of advertising. Having a clear job explanation and attractive headline is vital intended for drawing in new job seekers. A well-written posting provides a compelling proactive approach, along with a competitive remuneration program. Before you begin publishing your job placing, take the time to become acquainted with the company. You have to ...

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Offer Rooms For the purpose of Small Business

Deal bedrooms are a great way to arrange and share crucial business files. They offer a secure environment for the exchange of confidential details and allow companies to defend their mental home. Deal rooms are an remarkable tool to get small businesses, enabling the group involved to shut deals more quickly. This is because the online deal area ensures a ...

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The Ins and Outs of Digital Advertising

Digital promoting involves online-based digital solutions that are used to realize and engage buyers. It includes many channels, right from social media to locate engine ads. With a strong blend of paid and earned mass media, a digital marketing strategy can help organizations gain their goals. However , as a successful digital marketer, you must understand your target audience, different ...

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Top ten Best Anti-virus Review

There is no perfect ant-virus program, however, many of the best are really effective and gives rock-solid safeguard. They also include features such as a password director and parental controls. These are very important to people who apply new personal computers or who wish more reliability than they can get from their very own operating anatomy’s built-in antivirus protection. Bitdefender ...

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Choosing a Due Diligence Data Room

A research data room is mostly a cloud-based treatment that allows celebrations to securely store and distribute documents. This tool has its own advantages. Not only does it furnish secure storage area, just about all saves as well as improves conversation. There are two main kinds of users. Those who find themselves engaged in the deal process circumstance who are ...

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Methods to Fix Anti-virus Errors

There are several antivirus errors that may occur on your pc. These errors can be the effect of a number of elements. However , there are many simple ways to fix them. You can fix many of those issues by simply restoring a backup of your antivirus application. You can also check the documentation of your antivirus program to learn ...

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Greatest VPN Programs

A VPN app provides a secure, exclusive way to gain access to the internet. The app encrypts data before sending this to the internet service provider (ISP). Additionally, it helps defend data by interceptions. Depending on your needs, a VPN can assist you to hide the IP address, and in addition allow you to connect to websites and apps that ...

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